Who loves kebabs? I love them! Pure meat with some spices! But how many of you have paid the price the next morning after one from the takeaway? Or, got a frozen which just didn’t quite live up to what you were expecting? So mum and I began experimenting a while ago at home and it turned out that mine were better than what mum came up with! I ended up developing my own way of making kebabs, stealing bits here and there and coming up with something that makes my mouth water just writing about it!
One of the major obvious benefits of kebabs is the high protein content. If you are looking to lean up and bulk up in the gym, meat will be an essential part of your diet. I usually make enough to last me a couple of weeks if not longer, so that I can snack on them too! Yup, spicy lamb mince seekh kebabs are my light late night snack everyone! No carbs, good fats, plenty of protein, deliciously fiery (which boosts metabolism and burn fat!) and so quick to make, grill them or bake them they don’t take long. Served with some fresh salad or grilled vegetables, I can’t think of a more filling and nutritious meal any time of the day!

500g lean lamb mince
1 onion
1 red onion
3 spring onions
4 cloves of garlic (I love garlic in my food)
1 cm of ginger
1 cm haldi
1 red chilli
1 green chilli
1 spoon dried coriander
A bunch of fresh coriander
1 large free range egg
½ lemon
Wooden skewers
- Slice and dice the onions, crush the garlic, and chop up the ginger, corriander, haldi and chillies into tiny pieces;
- Add the vegetable mix to the lamb mince and mix thoroughly;
- Whisk up the egg separately and add the juice from half a fresh lemon and add to the mincemeat and mix thoroughly;
- Kneed the mix as you would dough, creating striations with your knuckle which shows that the meat is completely broken down and mixing with the vegetables;
- Roll up the mix in a bowl, cover it and leave it in the fridge for a couple of hours or overnight;
- Soak the wooden skewers in lukewarm water for 30 minutes to stop them from burning or catching fire;
- Bring out the mix from the fridge and knead again to fresh it up;
- With moist hands, pick off a handful of the kebab mix and mould it onto the skewers, leave some out to eat now and some to place straight into the freezer for another time;
- Place on grill for 15-20 minutes/oven bake in a tray at gas mark 5, 190°C/375°F for 20-30 minutes, depending on how well done you like your meat – do check every 10 minutes and turn them to ensure thorough cooking.
- Serve with a salad or grilled vegetables such as courgette/zucchini, aubergine, sweet potato or butternut squash, or my favourite long peppers!

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Serves up to 4 people
We always make more so we can enjoy the food another time!

Please do let me know how you get on and feel free to provide feedback 🙂