As part of me going chicken-free in November, and vegetarian for December, I decided to cook fish! I looked in the freezer and found some haddock. I love how my mum cook’s haddock but it can be a bit too spicy for me, and although I love chapatti, my stomach doesn’t do well with gluten! I also bought a pack of mixed vegetables the other day and I decided to put it to good use!
I love colour in my food, and although many of the dishes turn out red because of the tomatoes, I love the mix of green and red, so always try to ensure a colourful and of course tasty dish! Ever since I began this blog, I wanted to ensure that I had a good mix of protein, fats and healthy carbs in my dishes, and this one has the macronutrients covered!
You can have this dish with rice, naan, chapatti, bread, bulgur wheat, buckwheat or anything like that but I love my quinoa so had it with that! Also, depending on how well you like your vegetables cooked, adjust the time you cook them for. I personally like them slightly crunchy, mum loves them basically mashed! Each to their own!

Hearty Haddock
250 haddock filet (2 pieces)
1 large onion
4 cloves garlic (I used a bag we’d frozen before)
2 cm ginger (I used a bag we’d frozen before)
2 green chillies (I used a bag we’d frozen before)
Salt and pepper to taste
Optional: Red chilli powder
Small pack of mixed vegetables
½ teaspoon dried coriander
Optional: A handful of fresh or frozen coriander
2 teaspoons coconut oil
100 g quinoa
1 small onion
½ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon coconut oil
200 mL filtered water
Hearty Haddock
- In a large saucepan, add in 2 teaspoons coconut oil, 1 chopped onion, and caramelise on 3/4 heat;
- Add in garlic, ginger, chilli, and cook and stir until the smell goes;
- Add in 1 tin chopped tomatoes, dried coriander, 1 teaspoon salt, and cook until the water evaporates;
- Add in the fish, mix, cover, and cook until all the frozen bits are cooked (unless using fresh, in which case cook until it is almost done), around 10 minutes;
- Add in the mixed vegetables and cover for 10 minutes;
- Continue to stir occasionally;
- Check the fish and vegetables are done as you like them and add the fresh or frozen coriander as a tasty garnish;
- Hearty Haddock is served!
- In a saucepan on ¾ heat, add 1 teaspoon of coconut oil (put the water on to boil);
- Slice and dice in the ¼ onion and stir, sauté until the onion caramelises;
- Add the quinoa and stir gently for 30 seconds;
- Add in the boiling water and a ¼ teaspoon of salt;
- Allow the quinoa to simmer, turn the heat down to a quarter, and cover with the lid;
- Check on it 3 to 5 minutes later and gently turn the quinoa over with a plastic or wooden spoon to ensure you keep your quinoa seeds in tact;
- Repeat step 8 until the quinoa is cooked and all the water evaporates;
- You are now ready to eat!

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Eating time: 15 minutes
Serves up to 2 people
Let me know how you get on and please feel free to provide feedback 🙂